Friday, June 20, 2008

July Summer Sessions

My dear men,
We are so blessed at this church and in this country to be able to have access to the wealth of knowledge that we do. Not only are we fed weekly through the anointing of the Holy Spirit on our dear pastor Mike's teaching, but we have the opportunity through weekly Bible Studies at home and at church to dig deeper into our Father's Holy Word. Well, if that is not enough, this July, we are starting Summer Sessions. Think of this as mini Bible college. The Men's Monday night Bible study will be suspended during this time to encourage us to take part in the wonderful classes that will be offered.  Here is the class list!

Sunday afternoons July 6, 13, 20, 27 3-5 PM
ASL Sign Language - Deric Terrell
Sign language is such a beautiful, expressive way to worship the Lord. Join us as we learn the basics of sign language and the art of signing in song.

Monday evenings July 7, 14, 21, 28 7-9 PM
Becoming a Contagious Christian - Jason Swanson & Ron McNulty
Evangelism—the word strikes fear in the hearts of many Christians. "I don't feel ready!" or "I don't feel comfortable confronting people" is what most Christians think when contemplating the words of Jesus in the Great Commission. The good news is that Jesus has already prepared you to be a light to this world! Come discover with us the natural style of evangelism that God has already instilled in you! Find out how to be a Contagious Christian!

Understanding Mormonism - Al Olivares & Kevin Elwood
When Mormon “Missionaries” come to your door do you panic or do you open the door and talk to them? We desire to equip you with a better understanding so you can easily reach out to them in love. In this class you will learn how to effectively minister to those caught up in the Mormon cult as well as the differences between true Christianity and Mormonism and some historical information about the Mormon Church.

Spiritual Warfare - Scott McDonald
Deliverance through worship.

Truth - Matt Brunet
What is Truth, why it's important, how to know it, how to share it.

Thursday evenings July 10, 17, 24, 31 7-9 PM
Tactics in Defending the Faith - Gary Heintz
This course will equip you with practical, concise, useful tools for you to be an ambassador for Jesus. This course will train you to maneuver comfortably and graciously in conversations with others about your Christian convictions and values. There will also be some training on timely issues such as homosexual marriage, religious pluralism, and abortion.

The Deity of God (in Spanish) - Moisef Enriquez
1) The Person of God the Father, 2) The Person of God the Son, 3) The Person of the Holy Spirit, 4) The work of the three within the church
La Deidad de Dios - Moisef Enriquez
1) La Persona de Dios Padre, 2) La Persona de Dios Hijo “Cristo”, 3) La persona del EspĂ­ritu Santo, 4) Los tres obrando en la Iglesia

The Seven Feasts of Israel - Dennis Sperino
These Seven Feasts present remarkable illustration of the Lord’s Relationship with His People and point prophetically toward future Prophecy fulfillment, and past Historical record of God’s manifested promise. Discover the historical, relational and prophetic implications of the Feasts of Israel and how they epitomize God’s Grace and Love toward us and exemplify our Savior’s Ministry.

Men of Honor – Sean McCrary (for men only)
In 2 Timothy 2:20-23 God’s word tells us to cleanse ourselves and be sanctified so that we will be useful to the Master; in God’s house there are vessels of honor and dishonor. Men, we all want to be honorable and lead our families into a close walk with our Lord. Come learn how to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and... run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

Systematic Theology - Bob Black
Systematic theology is the study of the Bible in a methodical, organized way according to subject categories. The most effective and simplest way to study the Bible and comprehend the entire Bible is to study in the way of systematic theology. This course will divide the Bible into ten topics, and relevant Bible passages on each subject will be arranged by category.

Interactive Prayer – Steve McConnell
Pastor Mike has named “Prayer” as the theme for our church for this year and for very good reason. This interactive class will delve into the Scriptures on prayer and give you a chance to put what you learn into action


Anonymous said...

i really like these classes.

Scott Grinstaff said...

this summer session was really awesome. I encourage no I challange all men to get virtical with God and serve some how some way in the body of Jesus Christ and lets hear the praise reports of Gods Blessings. _Reach out and touch someone today. God Bless
Scott G