Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oddie Sloan

The Glory of God

Romans 5:1-2: Therefore having been justified by faith we now have peace with GOD through our LORD Jesus Christ. Through whom also we have access to this faith by grace in which we stand and rejoice in the hope of the GLORY OF GOD.

The Lord is glorious and worthy to praised every morning with

A song of thanks as we dance and pray enjoying all His Holiness

Which the universe displays proclaiming a fame, zoning in

To give their testimony for His glory so let your story live

And reflect the same obedience which Jesus Did

Because our righteousness compared to His, is like a filthy rag

We need you Dad to shine again

Come dwell amongst our midst & let your Shekinah glory bridge-

-Us back into the Fathers arms, who’s been there all along

Since the Dawn of creation He’s been waiting patiently

Can’t you see the glory of His seed, redeeming all humanity (ha!)

Which Jesus did. We’re the last Adams rib

The Lord is glorious how can this be?!

His very words stir all of creation with anxious-bliss

Just take your pick, from such gracious lips

Which speak volumes of importance, we must take heed

As Pastor Mike Reed so eloquently preached and I quote:

“So God’s glory gives us a proper opinion of who He is, providing a glimpse, into His beauty, brilliance, majesty and radiance”

End quote to renew our Hope in saving faith, as we wait for the Glory of his triumphal appearance

We rest in this blessed expectation through grace alone no longer curious

for His mysterious love was manifested by the willingness of His SON

to carry the cross, the heavy weight of sin lost

overcome by the power of his precious holy blood - salvation for us all, we’re now victorious

such awe demands repentance to distinguish His goodness, just rest and reflect

For such a GLORIOUS GOD demands worship and honor

So we fall on hands and knees in response of this heavy glory lead by the Holy Ghost

And sing songs with a new Measure of Hope from a praise team fly as doves

Let our hearts show what we value and treasure the most

as the enjoyment of God overflows in acts of Love towards others

on that note dear church fellow saints, strangers, newcomers

Regardless of color we’re all brothers and sisters, next of kin if you’re in him

Adopted into God’s covenant – Oh how I’m loving this

If you only knew what I once did, you would run quick – stun sick

From this – rebellious kid

But the Lord is Glorious - just ready to forgive

With mercy so deep and rich it’s gets enormous

Makes the oceans look like little drips, there’s no comparison

For this intense glory so heavy and massive

When placed on the scales of our lives will make all heaviness of this

Present tense - vanish

No metaphor for this poet’s pen to exhibit such great glory with emphasize

His glory’s just too big and I’m not equipment to clean his kicks let alone his feet

With all my hair and all my tears I’m incomplete without the KING

and yet He still chose me above all things and He chose you

We all play a role in bringing His glory into full view

The very same glory which raised Christ from the tomb is now on the move

So Rejoice in glorious hope, for the Lord is coming soon.

Click here for a link to Oddie's music.

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