Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Genesis 1:2(b)

“and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep.”

Darkness is caused not by itself… there is no such thing as the “power of darkness” since dark is only the absence of light. If you actually look at the sentence structure of this verse, this is not a separate thought, but a continuation of the conditions that fell on the earth. The word “was” is not in the scriptures… it was added for “clarity”. So in this passage, if darkness fell upon the earth, it was because light was either blocked, God removed his presence from the earth, or whatever caused the light to be there in the first place was either destroyed or removed.

I have heard a theory that states that all the things of creation on the earth was mainly repairing what Lucifer had done in his destruction of the first earth. The following explanation is also used by theistic evolutionists to explain how the Genesis account of creation can fit into their model of how God created the earth. In earth’s beginning, before the “re-creation”, the earth was a burning cauldron of magma, volcanoes, ash, and seismic activities. The sun was in the heavens as well as all the stars, but because of all the destruction on the earth, they were all blocked out. Looking at this theory, we also can see how Satan uses destruction in our lives whether due to our own stupidity and sin or due to external circumstances to block out our only source of renewal after destruction reigns in our life. I know for myself, when I am in the Lords will and walking in his commands, I feel His presence like the noon day sun, but when I stray from His will, I can’t feel His presence anymore… only perpetual night.

One idea, since the sun and stars were not created until day 4, it could be that the Lord removed His presence from the heavens and the earth. In Ezekiel, the Lord removed his glory from the temple as His people continued to ignore Him. Later in the creation story, pre-flood, it seems that the Lord left the presence of men as they began to fill themselves with their own exploits of exploring and subjugating the creation and not in communion with the Creator. Likewise, in actuality or not, when we stray from the Lord and fill ourselves with our own self, we feel that the light of the Lord has left. He hasn’t left us, but we have left Him. Jesus is called the light[1]. If we feel as if our lives are overthrown by darkness, then the only solution is to invite Jesus in to dispel the inky blackness staining our souls.

Lastly, in investigating where the light went if darkness fell upon the earth, we must consider an interesting point that I will dive in more fully when I talk about the creation of the sun, moon, and stars. But briefly, Revelation talks about a third of the stars being cast down to the earth in Satan’s great rebellion. We tend to allegorize that statement and assume that “stars” are a representation of angels… but what if stars are angels? More to come… :)

[1] John 1:9

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