Saturday, March 28, 2009

Preserve America

Proverbs 28:2 (New King James Version)

2 Because of the transgression of a land, many are its princes;
But by a man of understanding and knowledge
Right will be prolonged.

We live in a very interesting time in our United States of America. As the Proverbs of Solomon tell us, our wickedness has resulted in many people rising up above us for "our own good". If we look at how things are panning out, our "non-representing representatives" in congress are passing laws and bills that are not supported by the people because our moral decay has resulted in our inability to be the "check" to the power of congress. How many representatives have been tarred and feathered recently? We have for so long in America been taught that "what is right for you is your business and not mine", that when someone makes a law that holds no value in it but for a small percentage of the population, we are trained not to react. This should not be the case. Our acceptance of evil has gone on long enough. It is from our acceptance of the evil the enemy is pushing on us that we have allowed our "representatives" to become the ruling class. They do not represent our will; they have become our princes.

How do we stem the tide. The proverb contains its own answer. A man... not many men, as in "I hope that the huge bloated bureaucracy that is my government will preserve righteousness", but an individual, like you and me, all of us as individuals, making the choice that is grounded in understanding of the Word of God and the knowledge of who He is, will be the stepping stone to preserving what is Right. But our understanding of the Word is not the final step.

Proverbs 28

1 The wicked flee when no one pursues,
But the righteous are bold as a lion.

If I trained to be a doctor and went to medical school... what would it matter if I graduated top of my class in the most advanced school of the modern world, if I never practiced medicine? Likewise if I know the Word backwards and forwards, but never use it to shape my world, I am just as useless. If wickedness is being pushed by our leadership, then we, as the righteous should stand against it, bold as lions. We should never let an unjust law pass without a roar... if they propose evil legislation, it should take iron bars and chains to keep us from allowing it to pass. We have allowed the riches of our grandfather's America to fatten us up a point of complacency. This should not be.
We as Christian's are called the salt of the earth by our leader, Jesus Christ. We are blessed in this nation to be a part of the balance of authority. We the people, are the true leaders. We need to step up and do our part as Christians to bring God back to the forefront of our nation. In God we Trust should mean something again. Evil doers should feel uncomfortable practicing evil in our streets. Prayer should ring from every town hall meeting and class room across this great land again. The Ten Commandments should be on display at every public building in this nation. You have the ability to make a difference... attend your school board meeting, run for office in your community, hold a peaceful protest. Remember, we are up against the wickedness of our society... as the above Proverb says, "the wicked will flee when no one pursues." We need to be bold and we need to be strong, they do not have the moral fiber to stand against us.

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