Monday, January 5, 2009

Start 2009 Righteously

How you say?

  1. Pray. In the morning before you rise and while you shower and shave. During your work day: what would you have me do, LORD? At lunch/on the way home/with your children and wife. Pray all the time.
  2. Read the word. In the morning (yes, sacrafice some sleep time, and get to bed early). Read the Holy Bible, every day.
  3. Worship your Savior...your way is the right way.
  4. Give Jesus Christ the praise and glory that He requires and deserves (this requires step#1 to be successful).
  5. Fellowship. commit to a weekly meeting with other beleivers. attend CCO's Men's Fellowships on Mon nites or Tuesday mornings. Join a small group. Better yet, start one!
  6. Serve God. Commit to sacraficing your time, on a regular basis, and give that time to God, for His kingdom's work...and be blessed by that commitment!

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