Monday, December 29, 2008

Christ(forthe)mas Poem
(12/19/08 – by Oddie Sloan)

The night had been driven by a silent wind
To re-establish bright bliss back into the breath of men.
Listen oh Bethlehem, to the quiet kiss surface from the Father’s lips
To seal His precious plan with the priceless gift of grace and goodwill toward all men
The Shepherds gather to catch the first glimpse at Jehovah’s chosen Lamb
And witness the Savior King in a manger clean such favor is seen for the righteous lads
Can you picture the scene of serenity: Baby Yeshua, completely still in the pursuit of happiness
Sleeping love very calm in Mary’s arms a carried future as the root of David in a dark oasis
Thus a holy seed was replanted in the secret garden of men’s harden hearts of ever increasing impatience! For the knowledge of noise destroys all that the Lord holds sacred
Be still and know on this silent night and witness the forever near amazement
That’s how you grow and rise with open eyes to be surprised no longer in separation
For those fallen years of yesterday, are far away since Yahweh is always salvation
Forever patient, with many faces The Son of David, the greater Solomon
Inheriting the Kingdom teaches us wisdom and rebuilds the temple as the church.
Born to bring peace on earth again; & faithful to complete the task at hand: The Son of Abraham
Brought forth within a genealogy of royal kings, backsliders and sinners,
Yeshua was born in a line of called ones, fallen ones, and ultimately recovered ones-just like us
You see Jesus is the mingling of God with man, for in Him the divine nature and the human nature are mingled together to the bone. A bond slave yet He is wonderful! Peaceful soul
To behold~ so meek & bold~ history’s cornerstone~ never once anonymous~ it’s only oblivious
With 4 unique biographies, Matthew Mark Luke and John to paint a perfect portrait masterpiece
Of Emmanuel: The Messiah King, Servant of all, Son of Men and Son of God
All creation is once again pregnant with promise, ripe for the harvest
So prepare your heart dear church, called ones, held in His Hands
Prepare your greatest gift, your Christ experience and give it back to Him
And Always Rejoice and give thanks for every prayer request He keep’s safe
Until our very bodies get reshaped, from the dust to stars
The church of the firstborn the birth of the true soul, forever patient
The nativity of the new man began with the Lord’s resurrection, and continues onto perfection
+ So we lift every voice – raise every hand –Praise to bestow – onto the Lamb
+Carol of the Lord – Shout it from the Soul – Brings Peace and More – Freedom with joy
+ Oh listen close – Hear the heart of God – No stethoscope – Needed for the Job
+ Sent His Only Son – to save all the Lost – The Lords favorite song – Echo’s in the Dark
Ding Dong Sing Song’s for His Kingdom soon comes, behold it’s here now for He’s risen
So merry merry merry Christmas, to every every every Christian
This is Christ for the masses – Where every race can celebrate and grab a plate with napkins
But there’s no birthday cake inside this place and no need for candles and matches
His very flesh is living bread decorated for our spirits and presented with fashion
Yet no amount of human breath could blow out His flame of passion
The Ancient of Days, Ageless one, blew out His own light on that cursed tree
As a prayer and sacrifice for the whole earth in which the Father was well pleased.
So merry merry merry Christmas, to every every every Person,
You can have peace, be still and know the blessed hope of Emmanuel is always with us.

by Oddie Sloan


Matt said...

Thank you for your boldness and humility...keep staying obedient to GOD and He will determine what gifts to grow and continue and what new ones He wants you to have.

timbo said...

I was hesitant to read it because it looked long... but it wasn't and I'm glad I did read it. Very great! It's a good thing to read this expression of God and His love!