Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Crowd Presses In

I have washed my hands I find no fault in him
Oh what should I do I will let him go
The crowd presses in
This man of love how can this go on
This man of life
The crowd shouts no
But he's innocent you heard him speak
You have seen his works His righteousness
This man of life opened not his mouth
The crowd presses in
Away with himand beat him on the brow
Yes take him away and crucify
This man of love who calls himself the Light of Life
The crowd presses in
Who are you now
His blood be on our heads and our children's too
Who does he think he is to take away man's sin
As the nails are pounded I turn my head
The crowd presses in
Now you don't talk so loud - shout it out
Curse God and die if you are who you say you are
Come down from there and save yourself
Oh man of God Light of Life
The crowd presses in
Father forgive their sin
The Son of God his dying words
The man of life Light of the world
The crowd presses in and walks away
What have we done I wash my hands and let it go...
Who is this man what has he done is there no one to save him

-Jack Whittaker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one to save him... what about me? Could it be this man, this Jesus who hung on the tree did it all for me?
What about you...could he have sacrificed himself for you too?
Think about it, don't wait too long I am sure he loves us myself, my wife and the entire throng